This new post really excites me. No, really it does. Not because of the goals that I have set out for myself, but because of my new word for the year. But we’ll dive into that shortly.
First off, I would say that I’m typically not the kind of person that *needs* to have a word for the year. Some years it has come to mind more easily than others. However, I always try to have some goals to work towards. In my previous post, I talked about the word that I had for 2020 which I think was just setting a foundation for this year.
Backing up a little, I was listening to a new (to me) podcast where I heard this word. And It was one of those moments where it felt like it “hits you between the eyes”. Do you know what I’m talking about? Like you’re suddenly super aware and alert. That was me, and this was the word that was spoken during the podcast and that I’m claiming for myself over 2021… are you ready?
As soon as I heard it, I just knew that it was perfect and exactly what I need. So I did some research from a biblical standpoint and also an internet search because I wanted to study the word a little deeper. Here’s what I came up with:
I also liked this version from a blog post I found, “The careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care.” Both phrases I think are very powerful and challenging at the same time.
I’ll be 100% transparent, I feel like this word is challenging for me. Over the past few years in my life, whether personal or business, I’ve felt like I’ve wasted a lot of my time. I’ve let my emotions dictate more of my decisions, again, both personally and in business. I’ve let down my guard with true productivity and stewardship in many areas of my life; health, finances, business, talent, time, etc.
So as this word came through the podcast, it clicked instantly. This is it. This is my new word. And so I have began to brainstorm and really dive deeper into what this looks like and how I will be applying it to my own life. So let’s take a look: (I’m very much in the basic steps of this for now. I want to make sure these are all smart goals that I know I’ve either accomplished or didn’t. There’s no room for in-between goals.)
Wrapping it up, I want to leave you with these quotes. I hope they will challenge you to become a better steward of your time, money and resources too:
I’m so excited to be able to look back at the end of 2021 to see what the Lord has done. It’s going to be a great year, friends!
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